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Winter 2015 Goals

When I made my fall goals, I had no idea how awesome of a thing it would be for me. Giving myself seasonal goals helped me structure my days off better and gave me a huge sense of accomplishment. I don't really do well with monthly goals because by the time I think of them, the month is halfway gone. So below are my goals for the winter season- I'll be recapping them sometime in March or April! 

Increase blog posting frequency to 3+ times per week. 
My fall goal was two times per week and I actually did pretty good with that goal so now it's time to give myself another challenge. Be on the lookout for more posts at Sometimes Photojenik! 

Consistently run 3 times a week
I've been running pretty consistently for the past two months. I work 12 hour shifts three days a week and there's no way I even think about running after being on my feet for that long, so I shoot to run the other 4 days. My goal is to keep at it at least three (but hopefully four) times a week. I like to give myself the leeway of the extra day since it is winter in Colorado and I don't have access to a treadmill. 

Invite at least 5 couples over for dinner. 
If you read my post on generosity, you'll know that my heart for the year is to have an open heart and open doors at my house. By making a tangible goal for myself in this area, I'll be able to practice generosity and challenge myself to open my doors.

Finish 5 pages of my wedding scrapbook
This was my fall goal that totally didn't happen. I bought stuff for our scrapbook and then it sat there for the next two months. This time I'm going to put a number on it so that it will be more measurable. 

Complete a weekly challenge outlined in "Power Thoughts" by Joyce Myer
This book is one I got last Christmas and never actually read more than the first chapter. There are certain "power thoughts" and challenges that she suggests you tackle on a weekly basis (one thought/idea per week for 12 weeks). My goal is to actually do this challenge this year and get past the first chapter of the book! 

Memorize at least one scripture verse a week.
This is something that I've tried to do over the past few years and just haven't been consistent with it. By writing it down, I know I'll be more motivated. And thanks to the gift from my Secret Santa, I have an awesome place to start! 

Get involved in one way at church. 
This was also a fall goal that was left undone. My recap post explained that we had emailed our church about ways to get involved and never heard back. We're definitely going to follow-up and hopefully get plugged in this winter!

Okay, I think that's enough goals for this season. I'm excited and hope that I'm not being over zealous but I'm always excited for a new challenge.

How about you? Do you have some winter or January goals? Share them below with a link or a comment so I can cheer you on! 


  1. I love your hospitality goal. It is a goal of mine, as well, to be more generous in opening our home. I love having people over, but sometimes I feel too busy. The truth is, I just need to be better at making time. Sharing our home and food with others adds so much richness to our lives. Good luck keeping your winter goals!

  2. I'm so glad to have you link-up, Sarah! We have some couples that we really need to get together with as well! I think I should consider to add that to my goals list next month! I hope that making your goals more measurable will really get you going on a great path, girl :) I'm excited to see the progress! I can't wait to hear how you end up serving at your local church!

  3. Love Joyce Meyer. She is such an inspiration! I used to rely on her to get me through the day when I was going through a difficult time. Good luck with your running! I am training for a half marathon in April. Nice connecting with you!

  4. Shannon that's great!! Congratulations! I'm actually thinking about training for a half in April or May too! I would love to hear about how your training is going! :)


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