I am participating in my first ever Circle Link up with Kiki over at In Its Time. How could I pass up the opportunity to think about "never have I ever" ? Without further ado,
Never have I ever...
Understood the obsession with Disney. I used to play a game with friends- they would name 10 Disney movies and count how many of them I had seen. In most cases, I had only seen 2 of the 10 movies. Popular ones that I haven't seen are Aladdin, Beauty & the Beast, and Toy Story. My parents had a rule when we were kids- we got to watch one hour of TV or one movie per week. Lest you think my childhood was deprived, we had a variety of forts including an underground one that my dad dug, one that extended through multiple trees, and a river. Need I say more?
Believed in Santa Claus. My parents didn't want us to lose the real meaning of Christmas so instead of believing in Santa Claus we believed in the Angel of the Lord. It was still magical and I will never forget the awe I experienced when my Mom told me that she actually had seen the Angel. Along with point number one, I also don't feel like my childhood was deprived any. But I may or may not have gotten in a couple playground fights because I was the kid telling everyone that Santa wasn't real. Oops.
Been in debt. Through God's provision I was able to graduate nursing school without a single student loan. I also worked throughout high school, at one point working about 50 hours a week, in order to pay cash for my car. Alex was also able to graduate school debt-free and got a hand-me-down car from his Dad so we entered marriage with no debt. I know this will not always be the case once we look into getting a house, but I can tell you that we will never buy something on a payment plan- not a car, not a new entertainment system... nothing. You could say we're anti-debt (and big fans of Dave Ramsey), because we know the freedom that comes with not having to make a single loan payment.
Had a curfew. Obviously I'm married and living on my own now and curfews don't really apply, but this was something I never had as a teenager. I lived in a rural area of Colorado but my Grandma's house was in the town where I went to high school. Whenever I did something late with friends, my parents preferred that I go and spend the night at my Grandma's house instead of making the 40 minute drive home. Because of this, it was hard to control when we got in at night and the curfew battle was one that my parents chose not to fight. I appreciated them not fighting this battle because I felt like it showed they trusted me and because of this sense of trust, I never abused the privilege.
Liked to shop. I actually have an entire blog post written on this subject and how girls' obsession with shopping is probably something I will never understand. When I moved to college the idea of going shopping for fun was so beyond my comprehension that it took three years for me to be open to the thought. I grew up with all brothers and a mom who hates shopping more than I do, so if it involves walking around a mall for hours, count me out.
I would love to hear your "never have I ever" experiences in the comments below!

#1, #3, #5!!! That is me too! haha!!! I DEFINITELY had a curfew though, haha
ReplyDeleteNever have I ever liked cake or enjoyed baking at all. As soon as the measuring cups come into play, I am done. I also hate shopping with other people. I like doing it by myself and looking at things on my own terms. Happy Wednesday!
ReplyDeleteI debate whether or not to have Santa be a 'thing' in our house for Clara and/or any subsequent children, and I just can't decide how to handle it! I really don't want her to be the kid who tells everyone Santa isn't real, but I also don't want to focus on the gift-giving part of Christmas instead of the birth of Christ! Luckily I have a few more years to figure out a solution that makes sense! Looking back, are you happy with the way your parents handled it for your family?
ReplyDeleteI don't think I've really had a curfew either. My parents just wanted us home as a reasonable hour or to let us know where we were going to be. I did have student loan debt, but I don't regret it. We worked hard to pay it off quickly, and I would rather have some debt than not be able to live on campus or have to work a ton through college. Although I did work every summer since I was 14 and during high school and college to help keep costs down. And we did have a car payment for a short time. Sometimes you HAVE to buy a new (used) car before you have enough money because your old car is leaking antifreeze so bad you have to buy a new container of it every week! Just hypothetically speaking of course ;)
ReplyDeletei am with you on shopping! & that is awesome you have never been in debt!! i had hefty student loans when i graduated, but am trying to pay them off in 3 years (1/2 way there!) because i did the math and paying them off in 3 years vs. 15 (full life of the loans) is saving me 13,000 in interest i would've had to pay! that just makes me sick!
ReplyDeleteI never had a curfew either, I just came home when my friend's had to go home. My dad just didn't want to bother with it after we were old enough to drive ourselves.
ReplyDeleteI can't remember believing in Santa Claus either...I asked my mom sometime around the time I was 3 or 4 and I just said, "Tell me...Is Santa Claus really, real?" She was honest with me and that moment still stands out in my mind as one of the reasons I've known I can trust her! Funny how that works. :)
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome that you've never been in debt! Way to go. :)
Victoria, I think that's really cool that that moment sticks out in your head as how you knew you could trust your mom. I think that is SO great! We don't have kids yet and obviously haven't decided on the Santa thing yet for them but you've definitely given me something to think about in terms of how we could/should handle it if we do let them believe in Santa Claus. Thanks! :)
ReplyDeleteYeah I hear you; I think my parents didn't want to worry about it either :)
ReplyDeleteGo Robyn go!! That's SO crazy how much interest you are saving! I think most people don't even realize how much interest they're paying if they pay off loans slowly. I believe you can do it in 3 years- that is so so awesome, keep at it girl! :)
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh that hypothetical situation with the antifreeze would be just awful! I'm glad it's never happened to you! ;) I think keeping debt in perspective and working to pay it off quickly (which it sounds like you guys do!) is totally different than most Americans' relationship with debt. And I would agree that a little bit of debt can be worth the experience of living on campus or not working your tail off like you said :) I see some debt in our near future and it'll be alright; we'll just try to pay it off as quick as we can.
ReplyDeleteLisa, I am happy with how they handled it although when I was younger (like teenage years) I was kind of mad at them for it because I felt like it was part of what made me kind of have a hard time at school. I don't think that now, however. Kids can just be really mean and they would have found something else to make fun of me for if it wasn't the Santa thing. One thing that I've heard that I think my parents could have done is telling their kids, "You know some people believe in Santa Claus and that's okay we don't need to tell them differently." Something along those lines so that they aren't the kids ruining it for the other kids. My parents didn't do that and although I think it would depend on the kid (whether or not they would choose to not tell others), I think it could really help! I've also heard about some parents letting their kids believe in Santa but really emphasizing that he is based off St Nicholaus and focusing on that story. I see value in both ways of believing (my husband grew up believing in Santa Claus), and we still haven't decided what we'll do for our kids. I wish you wisdom in your decision, it's definitely a hard one! :)
ReplyDeleteShannon, I don't blame you one bit! Baking is messy and can be technical and can turn out wrong. You just gotta make friends with other people who love it and hope they share :) I also totally hear you on the shopping with other people- especially grocery shopping for me (must be done alone!). Happy Thursday to you :)
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome Caroline! Non-disney fans unite! Haha :)
ReplyDeleteI think it's definitely something to think about! Noel Piper has a great book called "Treasuring Christ In Our Traditions". I plan to go through it again when I am starting a family of my own. :)
ReplyDelete~ Victoria
Oooo that sounds like a wonderful book! I'm writing down the name for the future, thank you!!
ReplyDeleteGirl, we have SO much in common! I never got into the Santa thing, either. My mom used to give us our stockings on St. Nicholas day, but that was the extent of Santa for me! And I also haven't really ever been obsessed with Disney, either. I like Pixar movies (like Toy Story) but didn't watch the Disney princess movies at all! And I've never been to Disneyland or Disneyworld, for the matter! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking up!!
Wow! Another person without the obsession of Disney and belief of Santa Clause? I never thought I would see the day :D it was great to participate in the link up- so fun! Looking forward to future ones!