Today I'm joining in with Jenna of Gold & Bloom and Anne of In Residence to talk about life lately.
Currently playing... my Taylor Swift Pandora station over and over again. You know how after awhile of liking and disliking certain songs you create the perfect Pandora station? That is what I've done. It's Taylor Swift, Jack Johnson, The Beatles, and The Band Perry all wrapped into one station. Mmmm mmm good.
Currently going... outside as much as I can. After a month and a half of clouds and rain (which is NOT normal for Colorado), the sun has finally made its appearance again. I am trying to get out in the sunshine as much as I can. Nothing like fresh air and warm sun to rejuvenate the soul.
Currently wearing... stripes! I'm not sure why, but I'm all of a sudden in a stripe phase. I've really been pinning a lot on my fashion Pinterest board trying to develop a sense of style, and I noticed that I pin a lot of striped things. I've bought a couple of striped things and really like them... the husband likes them too, so thumbs up for that!
Currently sipping... slurpees. I'm five years old in all reality you guys. One of the gas stations here has a deal where you pay $1 for a huge slurpee (AKA water and sugar and food dye). Terrible, I know, but it is just THE BEST summer drink ever!
Currently reading... "10 Curses That Block the Blessing" by Larry Huch. This book was recommended to me at a church service about a month ago and it's excellent. The author was an ex-addict who was born again and still found himself struggling in certain areas despite his relationship with Christ. The book talks about the impact that generational curses have on our daily life, and examines Scripture from a different perspective than I've seen before. It is a great book so far (I'm about halfway through), and I would highly recommend it to anyone who feels like they are repeatedly struggling in a certain area of their life.
What about you?? What's on your book list right now? Any favorite summer drinks?
What about you?? What's on your book list right now? Any favorite summer drinks?

I'm always in a stripe phase :) And I haven't had a slurpee in years, but I bet that would hit the spot on a hot day.Thanks for linking up!
ReplyDeleteI've been loving stripes as well lately..I guess that's a summer style because I NEVER wear stripes in the winter! I just downloaded a book called 10 Minute Declutter. Let's just say I really need a book like that right now in my life!
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like an awesome Pandora station! I feel like mine always end up bleh after a while. I either put too much variety in, or I thumbs down/up a song by an artist whose other songs I like/don't like (sometimes I just don't like ONE song or I only like ONE song) and then it's just a mess.
ReplyDeleteThat book sounds like a fantastic read! I might just have to look into it.
ReplyDeleteI am all about stripes too! Crazy. I used to hate them, but now I love them! And slurpees. Yes. Do they have 7-11 gas stations in CO? The cheery limeade flavor is. the. best.
ReplyDeleteI think I'm just late to the stripe party :)
ReplyDeleteI used to never wear stripes PERIOD because I thought they made me look wide/fat. I'm trying to get over it. I LOVE decluttering, therefore that sounds like my kind of book!
ReplyDeleteAhhhh I totally hear you on that, a couple of my stations have gotten like that! It's the worst when you like a song but you're tired of hearing it so you're forced to thumbs down it. I think on the computer version there's more advanced versions of how you rate songs like "not right now" or "this song is being played too much" - stuff like that. I haven't used those features much though.
ReplyDeleteYes definitely do! I just read chapters today on anger and money and they were powerful words! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure some of your pics inspired me to consider stripes ;) I used to hate them too because I thought they made me look fat/wide but I'm trying to get over that. Also, 7-11 is WHERE IT'S AT, but I haven't tried that flavor... sounds like I need to!
ReplyDeleteI'm all about going outside as much as possible. Once I see it's sunny and warm out, I find every excuse to head out (prep period? Let's grade papers outside!) and that book sounds so interesting! Ps I can't wait to go look at more of your fashion pins--I feel like the only things I really pin are outfits and crafts hahaha.
ReplyDeleteI'm crazy about stripes, too! I went through a phase where that was pretty much all I bought. Now, I'm on to florals. I like mixing the two!
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a great mixture of two, I might have to start looking for some florals! :)
ReplyDeleteOh I hear you on the sunny and warm out.... although you have humidity and whenever I'm in humidity I don't know how to handle it so more props to you! And lately I mostly pin fashion things... has my closet gotten bigger? Nope. :p