Back in January, I posted about my goals for winter. Now that I'm out of school, I've found that sometimes I feel lost without any papers to write or deadlines to meet and setting some goals for myself has really given structure to my days off (a good thing!). That being said, I'm a person who NEEDS to accomplish their goals, even if it leads me to feeling burnt out. My goals this winter left me feeling a little stretched thin, so I think my goals for spring are going to look a little different (stay tuned for a post next week). I think goals are a great thing but can be detrimental if you put too much pressure on yourself (like I do). So here's to a little bit more relaxed spring! Without further ado, this is how I did this past winter.
Increase blog posting frequency to 3+ times per week.
I did pretty good with this up until the past couple of weeks. I switched to night shift in March and I've had a hard time keeping up with life/blogging while adjusting to an off schedule. If you've wondered why I've been off the grid lately- that's why. I also felt like shooting for 3+ posts a week kind of burned me out on blogging a little bit. That's a feeling I don't like, so I'll probably go back to posting around 2-3 times a week. Major props to all you daily bloggers!
Consistently run 3 times a week
This was probably my most successful goal (see below). I'm actually running my first ever half marathon in just a little over a week and as excited as I am to run it, I'm also really excited to get it over with. I've been really consistent with my running, doing a training plan that only has me running 3 times a week and cross training two days a week (for me that means once a week because I'm terrible about working out on days I'm at the hospital). Being on a strict training plan for 4ish months has burned me out a little bit though because some days I wish I could just run 4 or 6 miles or whatever distance I feel like instead of having to do a tempo run this day and a 12 mile run on this day. I'm looking forward to just being more relaxed about my running in a couple weeks.
Invite at least 5 couples over for dinner.
To be honest, I didn't count the number of couples we had over for dinner. It was probably something like 3-4 couples but the number doesn't matter to me. The main thing is that we opened our doors, and have had a great time with family and friends coming over. I am consistently praying for the Lord to show Alex and I more ways to be generous with our time and money. It's been fun to see the ideas and opportunities He has given us.
Finish 5 pages of my wedding scrapbook
I think I have a mental block against this. This Instagram post basically sums up how I did with this goal. I will say though with all my extra blogging and running I sort of felt like I didn't have time to work on a scrapbook. I've also realized that it's not something I particularly enjoy, and with the abundance of Shutterfly gift cards I have, I'm debating going that route.
Complete a weekly challenge outlined in "Power Thoughts" by Joyce Myer
This goal went great for about a month! I happened to have a Sunday/Monday off consistently and would read my chapter for the week and put sticky notes of related Bible verses all over my house. It was a great practice that stopped when I started working Sundays and Mondays (which is no excuse, I know). I hope I can pick it up again because it was really making a difference in my spiritual life.
This was also a goal I was great with for awhile but have been inconsistent with for the last month. Like reading the book, I need to pick it up because it was making such a difference in my spiritual life!
Get involved in one way at church.
We've been wanting to do this for awhile, and this season it happened! We connected with the director of our kids' ministry, attended an orientation, and I taught my first class (Alex was sick that day). It was a great experience and I am so thankful to be more connected to my church.
How did you do with your goals this month/season? I would love to hear about it! Do goals ever leave you feeling burnt out?

Half!!!! You are going to rock it girl! Can't wait to hear how it goes!
ReplyDeleteThanks Caroline! I still can't believe you did one without training- so impressive!
ReplyDeleteI think blogging 2-3 days a week is the perfect balance for me :) Sometimes it's 3, sometimes it's 2, but if it makes you feel burnt out, definitely cut back! Also, I happen to love physical scrapbooking, but if it's not something you enjoy, just make a shutterfly one! You'll like that just as much, and maybe it won't cause you as much stress!
ReplyDeleteYeah I think "having" to do any certain amount was really what killed me. Because some weeks it was no big deal and other weeks I was way overwhelmed depending on what else was happening that week. I think 2-3 is going to be the perfect balance and not being so rigid with it will also help. Yeah I'm thinking that if I don't finish the scrapbook by this fall I'll probably go the shutterfly route because at that point it would have been 2 years and I just want my wedding pictures off of facebook by then haha.