So most of you have probably heard of a bucket list- a list of things you want to do before you die. But have you heard of a reverse bucket list? That's the theme of this month's Circle link-up and it is such a fun idea! A reverse bucket list consists of things that you have ALREADY done. Cool right?
I'm going to start you off by listing off the top three coolest things I've ever done.
1. Sky dived. I peed my pants.
2. Bungee jumped off a hotel in Las Vegas. I think I have permanent whiplash.
3. Married a millionaire
Actually haven't done any of the above. Except pee my pants. Sorry to bum you out. I can't even say any of those things are on my real bucket list. I just thought I would start with something interesting.
Alrighty, for real, let's talk about some things that I've already done in this little life of mine. I broke them up into three categories for your viewing pleasure.
- Random Things -
1. I was almost a homecoming queen nominee. I lost in a tie. Does that even count?
2. I've been dirt biking. Multiple times. It's kind of a requirement in my husband's family.
{Ignore the weird bulge around my stomach. The pants fit me weird.}
3. I've lost multiple breath holding contests. I have the lungs of a rat. In fact, a professor in nursing school asked me if I had asthma after performing a test on my lung function. I don't have asthma. Just really small lungs (according to my self-diagnosis).
{I can hold my breath for approximately 10 seconds.}
4. I lived in Guatemala for two months teaching English and tutoring in Science and Math through an amazing organization called Education & Hope. It was a super challenging, yet meaningful experience and I've been trying to figure out how to blog about it.
{This is me hand washing my clothes at the end of the week. If you do this even once, you'll forever love your washer.}
- Things I am not proud of -
1. Flipped over a board game and stormed off in a bout of truly unsportsmanlike conduct after losing a game. This may or may not have happened multiple times. I'm working on it.
2. I've worn white shorts after Labor Day. That's a no-no right?
3. I've eaten food off the floor without washing it off. Probably 300 too many times.
- Things I am proud of -
1. I ran a marathon in college. I was terrified of gaining the Freshman 15 so I figured if I ran a marathon I could eat whatever the heck I wanted and not gain weight. The strategy worked great and I don't plan on running a marathon ever again.
{Shiprock, NM. May 2010}
2. When I was a junior in high school, a cake and a loaf of bread I baked won the top two prizes at the Colorado State Fair. As a result I got to send the cake and bread (freshly baked of course) to Washington D.C. where it was served at the Capitol for a breakfast for all the senators and representatives. Funny thing is at this point in my life I don't really like cooking or baking. If I had a dispensable income I would spend it on restaurants. But I still get peeved if someone disses my cooking skills. One day I'll get back into the kitchen and enjoy it.
{This is the same recipe that was served at the Capitol}
3. I sang throughout high school and got chosen for several honor choirs and got to sing a solo in the Colorado All-State Choir Concert. I've also been playing the piano since I was 6.
So there is all that. Bet you never ever wanted to know that I've peed my pants before.
What is something on your reverse bucket list that I may not know about you?

Haha that's completely awesome how u started it haha! Wow u have done some incredibly things! The teaching thing sounds incredibly hard but would have been life changing I'm sure! Yay that we are piano twins! And wow you are a bread champion that is impressive! How did u learn to make such fab bread that's so cool!
ReplyDeletehahaha. We should not play a game together ;) I love it. I have the SAME problem. I can only hope Baby Bum doesn't inherit my awesome competitiveness.
ReplyDeleteI love getting to know more about your small-lunged self!
ReplyDeletewhat a fun list! how cool that you lived in Guatemala & ran a marathon! beast mode!
ReplyDeletethese are such interesting facts!!!! i've been playing the piano since i was young, too--but i don't have a good voice. i'm so jealous of you singer-song-players ;) (like a singer-songwriter but different.) do you speak spanish since you lived in guatemala (or is it stereotypical that i asked that...?)? :)
ReplyDeleteWow! I would love to hear about our experience in Guatemala. I have a friend who went to Honduras and taught English (he met his wife at one of those schools so I think it worked out for him too ;).
ReplyDeleteI've told my husband on multiple occasions that I want to live out of the country for a year or two, but he's not too keen on that idea.
I love this!! So many fun and interesting facts about you!
ReplyDeleteHaha thanks Sheryl! It was fun to write!
ReplyDeleteOh no way?? That is the cutest love story! Are they still in Honduras or back in the states?? It was a challenging experience but I learned a lot so I've tried to figure out how to write about it without putting it in a negative light because the people were wonderful to me. Your hubby may come around! Maybe you should tell him that you feel like you want to move overseas permanently then when you mention a few months later that a year would be good, maybe he would be okay with it. ;) desensitization at its finest haha :)
ReplyDeleteholla for another piano player! I didn't know that. do you play a lot now? I haven't played a lot because I'm SO tired of all my music but too cheap to buy new stuff :p and it's not stereotypical but yeah I'm fairly fluent in spanish. It was actually my mom's first language so I grew up hearing it and speaking a little bit so I understand almost everything and then living in Guatemala really helped my speaking skills.
ReplyDeletehaha thanks robyn, I try ;)
ReplyDeleteYayyy for piano twins!!! So fun! And I'm not sure it was just a good recipe that I perfected after baking like 30 loaves of it I guess
ReplyDeleteHaha I'll remember that. I am getting better though but now my brother needs to work on it. I beat him at Monopoly for the first time in YEARS this past Christmas and he sulked for hours. I hope Baby Bum doesn't inherit it either haha... is jordan competitive?
ReplyDeleteHaha thanks! :)
ReplyDeleteThey lived in Honduras for a few year but now they've moved back to the states and are youth pastors at our church. I have a feeling they'll move back though. They visit multiple times a year and every single time they leave my feed gets blown up with "man, I missed this place!" statuses and pictures. Home is where the heart is and I'm pretty sure their's is there.
ReplyDeleteHe is competitive too but definitely not as bad as me!
ReplyDelete*Amanda* | The Lady Okie Blog
Haha that's the same as Alex. It's a good thing- two super competitive parents probably aren't too good for a child.
ReplyDeleteGreat list!
ReplyDeleteVery cool about Guatemala! I would love to read more if you decide to blog about it. The same thing happened to me in high school, but it wasn't homecoming queen it was "Best All Around". And very cool about your bread recipe! Is that a secret recipe... or.... haha :)
well 30 loaves would do it haha!
ReplyDeleteSuch a cool list! I love how it really entailed all sorts of things that you've done. I would really love to hear more about your time in Guatemala (what an interesting, memorable, and amazing experience that must have been!). And congrats on your talented voice!!! My sister sings in her HS choir and I'm super impressed by anyone who can sing solos. Playing solos is one thing, but singing? Now THAT takes guts.
ReplyDeletep.s. You nearly got me with your initial list. I was like, "um this girl is crazy! I would never do these kinds of things!" :)
Flipping over a board game and eating food off the floor? Anybody who says they haven't done that is lying. Love this post!
Haha I know right?! C'mon you KNOW you didn't let that skittle go to waste after you dropped it on your carpet! :)
ReplyDeleteOhhhh I see, you're probably right! That's still really cool and such a cute love story :)
ReplyDeleteIt's not a secret recipe at all! I should totally publish it in the next few weeks because it's super tasty! I'll let you know if I put it up :) And it's sort of a big bummer to lose in a tie for something like that isn't it? You try to pretend it's not a big deal, but you're actually kind of sad inside (at least I was!)
ReplyDeleteHaha! I love how you started this post! I have had a similar board game experience... How cool that you baked bread and cake that went to D.C.! That bread looks delicious! Singing and playing piano!! So awesome!! Do you have any videos of you doing either?! I'd love to see!
ReplyDeleteHaha--the board game struggle is real! Such a fun list!
ReplyDeleteGlad I'm not the only one with the struggle!
ReplyDeleteThanks Aubrey you're too sweet! On my Instagram I have a clip of me playing one of my favorite songs on 9/11... if you go way back you'll find it! It's a short clip though :( maybe I'll post a longer video one of these days :)
ReplyDeleteI liked the first three items, but enjoyed reading the rest of the list! I have to agree with some of the,. I learned how to play the piano when I was little, but haven't in a looong time, I hope I get to do that sometime soon.
ReplyDeleteStopping over via the link up,
Diana L. | Life in German.
I've always wanted to try a dirt bike! I've ridden a motorcycle (using the word "ridden" here very lightly, considering I almost tumped it over on its side), but not a dirt bike. They seem like so much fun!
ReplyDeleteI hope you get to play it soon too! do you have access to a piano?? Thanks for stopping by! :)
ReplyDeleteI feel like a motorcycle would be harder than a dirt bike (heavier and more bulky maybe?) I hope you get to ride a dirt bike sometime! You can come ride for me because I still find riding it stressful haha
ReplyDeleteIt's stressful?! Oh man. I wouldn't know. I just know that 4-wheelers are the BEST THINGS EVER INVENTED. Have you 4-wheeled before?
ReplyDeleteNot at the moment :/
ReplyDeleteUm YES. And I agree- best thing ever!! It doesn't require nearly as much concentration as a two wheeled bike! Although I must say because it's "easier" people that shouldn't be driving them are and don't do it safely- we see a ton of ATV accidents :/ that's my husband's main argument for letting our kids learn to dirt bike vs something else :p
ReplyDeleteBummer! Hopefully you can play again soon! I didn't have access to a piano for several years during college and it's good to have it back.
ReplyDeletemaybe we'll buy one but we can't if we're not really going to use it.. so we'll see!
ReplyDeleteOh gracious. I could go on a huge rant about that. Kind of like horses. When I used to guide horseback rides, people would literally just drop the reins and use their cameras and think, "This is so easy!" Yeah? Would it be easy if the LIVE ANIMAL UNDERNEATH YOU took off? Kinda the same principal of 4-wheeling. Just because it looks easy doesn't mean you should be dumb about it!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness!!! I feel like that would be so frustrating to see tourists do that- if they only knew how powerful horses are! Did a horse ever take off? And exactly- just because ATVs require minimal balance and look like the big version of kid's motorized cars does NOT mean you should let your 8 year old drive it :/