Project 12 is a monthly recap post/project that my friend Amanda over at the Lady Okie Blog created. It is SUCH a fun way to recap your month, and helps me feel like I did something besides look at the calendar on the first of the month and last day of the month and wonder where 30 days just went.
Part of the project is taking a photo of yourself/you+spouse on the first day of the month. Not only did we not take a picture on the first day of the month, we took no picture at all. Fail. Every time I thought about it, Alex was gone and then I never remembered while he was home. So I decided to make that picture collage and make you think that it was totally a selfie (almost fooled ya, didn't I?) Ironically we're both holding Chik-Fil-A items in our hands. And in case you're wondering, we already took our March picture so no worries there. Without further ado and speaking of Chik-fil-a...
1. Chik-fil-a. Repeatedly. They had free coffee this month so we literally could not stay away. I was there almost daily during the month of February.
2. Tennis date for the win. Colorado is really weird you guys. I was in shorts then and now, two weeks later, I haven't seen the sun in three days.
3. Pueblo, Colorado. Pueblo probably shouldn't be on your list of top places to visit in Colorado, but it can be a fun place... if your brother happens to be playing lacrosse there on a Sunday. We couldn't have asked for a nicer day to watch lacrosse, and we got to meet one of his good friends from college as well as his girlfriend. We topped it off with lunch at Olive Garden. Good people, good weather, good food = triple win.
4. Two double dates with our friends from North Carolina. We met some awesome friends on our cruise (just one of the many reasons you should hop aboard a cruise ship!), who were out in Colorado on business. {They actually both work for Chikfila- we can't stay away you guys.} First we went to lunch at this place called Jack N Grill. I had a green chile sopaipilla burger the size of my face and was transported to heaven. Right before they left, we met them at a fun diner for delicious pancakes and omelettes.
5. We got locked in a room with the challenge to get out in an hour. We did it. Again. I wouldn't want to be locked in a room with any other four people. They're smart cookies.
1. The best fries I've ever had. They were Belgian fries covered in truffle oil served at this new beer and brats place in Denver called Wurstkuche (I totally had to google that to remember the name). They were crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, and literally the best fries I've ever eaten in my entire life. For all you fellow fry lovers out there- come to Denver and I'll take you on a trip to fry heaven.
2. I sadly discovered the city of Denver is extremely stingy with letting the public use school tracks. I spent one afternoon driving around all of Denver to find a track that was open to the public so that I could do my speedwork run. All were locked and I didn't feel like getting arrested. There was one middle school track that was unlocked, but to get through it I would have had to walk right through the middle of their playground and the current group of kids out on recess. Something tells me their teachers wouldn't have been down with that. So now I'm stuck doing speedwork on my regular road route. Watch out semi, I've gotta beat my time for this 400 sprint.
3. You can get especially close to new friends by agreeing that PG-13 answers are okay when you play The Game of Things (a game like Apples to Apples except you get to make up your own answers). Imagine PG-13 answers to the prompt "things that are wild". You get my drift. New friends- you know who you are.
1. Alex and I are both working on the books from January's list. Kind of lame I know, but I'm on the wait list for a couple of new books at the library- that counts right?
2. The Giver. My bro in law and I watched it while the hubby mostly snoozed through it. I'm not a huge movie person, but I LOVED this movie. I thought it was really interesting and got me thinking about a lot of things. I highly recommend it, and although I haven't read the book, I've heard it's good too.
1. Valentine's Day. I actually worked Valentine's Day and then we didn't really land up celebrating later. If I'm being honest- it was kind of lame. However, my mother in law gave me a cool light up heart necklace to wear to work- it was a hit with all the kids!
I left this poster for Alex before I headed to work that morning.
And I came home to a candlelit dinner. Now that I think about it, Valentine's Day wasn't that lame.
2. This girl is my sister from another mister. We had lunch together and had a dream changing and dream inspiring talk. More details to come... eventually. Just know that it was important.
3. We made some really big strides in our marriage, and I saw some incredibly tangible answers to prayers. More details on this eventually, but just know that God is faithful in the littlest of things!
4. I got a killer pair of new running shoes. Holla holla chicken dolla!
5. Lent began with a beautiful entrance. Ash Wednesday brought me to tears, and I am learning so much as I work my way through the Lenten devotional by Naptime Diaries.
Miles Run: 63. The snow is threatening my good streak.
New recipes tried: 5 (Our favorite was this stellar creamy spinach and tomato pasta!)
15 hour shifts worked: 1. And it was terrible.
Money spent above our entertainment budget: way too much (Darn Chikfila).
# of kids in Colorado that have respiratory viruses: every single child in Colorado. For the love of God, everyone just needs to stay home for two weeks.
How was your February? What was your favorite part? If you're in Denver- do you know of any public tracks??

Cool kicks! Mizunos have come a long way in the last few years. It looks like you really packed a lot into a little month. Did you do something called Breakout? Someone else recently wrote about them fun!
ReplyDeleteGreen Chile Sopapilla Burger! How come I have never heard of this before??? I'm not kidding when I say Dave and I might have to look to relocate to ABQ just for the green chiles. I love them!
ReplyDeleteGirl, you had a fun month! You did a lot of really neat things.
I also really love your running shoes! It's always really fun to get a new pair of running shoes.
I don't know if I'd like to be locked in a room with everyone in it. I'm not sure how I feel about that one. BUT I think it is really interesting and I bet it would be good for the brain to have to think how to get out. =)
you had such an awesome packed month!!! how fun that you met friends on a cruise & get to hang out at home! life is cool! The Giver is one of my favorite books! I had to read it in middle school english class & have loved it ever since! what is the locked in a room for an hour thing? sounds super fun! like a huge puzzle!
ReplyDeleteHaha you and me both might have to relocate! Because as good as it is up here, nothing compares to what you get in NM! Best combination of things on a burger... ever! I bet you'd like the room thing, you usually do it with friends/family and it's a series of puzzles and observations to get out- super fun and not scary :) I've heard of ones where like a zombie gets closer as time runs out... I don't think I would be into that.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I did something called breakout... what is it??
ReplyDeleteI've heard of a lot of people liking the Giver and I read a ton of classical books in high school but never that one surprisingly. Did you see the movie? How did it compare to the book if you did? And yeah the locked room is super fun and kind of the hot new thing here! Basically you're locked in a room and you have to find codes that are either hidden in puzzles or somewhere in the room (behind picture frames etc.) and use those codes to open combination locks that are on drawers and doors. The drawers hold either more clues or more keys and we had to find four specific keys to get ourselves out of the room. It was a Christmas present from my in-laws and SO fun!
ReplyDeleteThe getting locked in a room and needing to solve puzzles to get out. The place/company I have heard of that hosts those is called Breakout.
ReplyDeleteOhhhh gotcha. No ours was called clue room but it's the same idea. It seems to be the hot new thing by us so there's a ton of different ones!
ReplyDeleteOkay, I have about 8 things I want to comment on and can only remember a few.
ReplyDelete1. 63 miles! Awesome job.
2. Those fries. I WANT SOME NOW.
3. We still haven't taken our March picture. Fail.
4. The Giver is on my to-read list. I need to get around to it soon!
Come to Colorado, we offer fries and weed. But I can't get you any of the second one, sorry. And o only watched the Giver movie but feel like I should read the book now too!
ReplyDeleteI love your Valentine card to your hubby! What a cute and clever idea. I did something similar for my guy this year. I wrote about it in my monthly recap… I'm going to have to try that pasta recipe, it looks so good! :)
ReplyDeletei did see the movie & it was really good! of course, the book has more details ;) but the movie really did stick with the book!
ReplyDeletethat sounds so awesome! i need to see if they do that here!!
Love these monthly recaps. Love those news running shoes. How come I feel like I've had more snow here in Kentucky than you've had in Colorado? Something isn't right here!
ReplyDeleteOooo I want to go and read your monthly recap too! Definitely try the pasta dish, it was amazing and super easy! :)
ReplyDeleteI should read the book too- I'm glad the movie stayed true to it though. That's always the worst when book and movie are totally different. And you totally should- check groupon and living social deals. That's where we found ours and it can be kind of expensive without it. They're called "live escape games" (at least here they're called that lol). I'd love to hear about it if you try one!
ReplyDeleteSheryl I'm wondering the same thing especially with your IG pics! We've actually gotten a lot the past couple of weeks, I just don't post about it as much as I do when things are sunny haha. You guys have gotten A LOT though. Can I get a witness for some flip flop weather? Haha ;)