If you haven't read part one of our wedding miracle head over here. And be sure to get every detail of the story in part two which you can find here.
The sun had just begun to peek through as both of my parents walked me down the aisle. Walking down the aisle was 60 seconds of my life that I will never forget. I struggled to keep tears from streaming down my face as I saw people in the audience crying, and saw Alex's face when he turned around to see his bride for the first time.
My youth pastor from high school, Adam, officiated the wedding and did a truly amazing job. Adam and his wife, Kristen, played a vital part in helping my relationship with Christ grow, and walked beside me during some hard times in high school. It was a blessing and an honor to have someone who had played such an important role in my life officiate the most important event of my life.
Alex and I decided early on in our engagement that we wanted two things for our wedding day. One, was to have fun, and two, we wanted the entire day to reflect Christ. Therefore, as the rain ceased and the sun shined overhead, Adam began our ceremony by proclaiming, "We are here to glorify God".
We had a good friend, Leah, read from Ecclesiastes, which Adam followed with a short message. Alex and I then washed each others feet, symbolically pledging to always serve one another as Jesus did with his disciples in John 13:1-17.
We each had written our own vows which we then read to each other, followed by the exchanging of rings.
Communion with our parents followed. We chose to include our parents in communion because we know that marriage is a union of Alex and I, but also a union of two families, and we knew that we would need both families' support in our days and marriage ahead. Communion together felt like an outward expression that we and our families were unified and blessed in Christ.
Our musicians played "1000 Reasons: Bless the Lord" by Matt Redman and we, along with all our guests, worshiped to this beautiful song.
We kissed for the first time as man and wife, and walked down the aisle as Mr. and Mrs. Jenik as the sun shined brightly overhead.
The sun miraculously continued through the next two hours of pictures. So much sun that some of my ladies landed up getting sunburned... and remember that just a couple hours prior, the rain was pouring and weather channel predicted an 80% chance of continuing rain.
Our backup plan of praying (or lack of a proper backup plan according to most who asked), had totally worked and the God who creates the weather had indeed showed his sovereignty over those who predict the weather.
Alex and I took our fair share of couple pictures all over the picturesque town of Silverton, and even had tourists from Utah ask if they could take our picture as we posed in the middle of main street for a shot.
I think their exact words were "Can we take a picture of you two so that we can show our friends in Utah what we saw in Colorado?"
I'm pretty sure we were going to be shown among pictures of bears and big horn sheep as they show their friends what crazy things they find in dat der' crazy Coloraduh!
Several hundred pictures later and we hopped in our limousine to head over to the reception venue. And by limousine I mean my parents' rental car because they had totaled their own car just a couple of days before the wedding.
The story continues (and finishes) here! You don't want to miss it! There may or may not be an awesome video involved.

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