If you missed the first part of the story, click on over here so that you don't miss a detail!
It was a week before my wedding when the rain started. And this rain was no ordinary late summer Colorado monsoon. This rain was coming down all day, causing floods, making news, and breaking state records. Normally we would be rejoicing in a record breaking week of rain, but for this bride expecting to walk down an outside aisle, the rain was causing some pretty major stress.
I obsessively checked the Weather Channel app on my phone that predicted weather 10 days in advance, and as September 14th neared, reports consistently showed an 80% chance of rain that day.
The Wednesday before my wedding (the wedding was on a Saturday), I was checking the weather (yet again) when I felt God whisper to me,
"Sarah, you're trusting the men who predict the weather, more than you're trusting the man who creates the weather."
The whisper stopped me mid-click as I realized God was right (as He always is). I was trusting man's predictions over God's perfect sovereignty, and I knew that God had planned September 14th to be my wedding day (click here to read the first part of this story). This whisper and the assurance that September 14th was a day chosen by God, allowed me to have peace in the days leading up to the wedding, as the rainfall continued to break records.
It rained through the rehearsal dinner and poured outside the night before the wedding as I gifted my purity pledge card to Alex before we parted ways for our last night as singles. Leading up until this point, everyone had been asking what our backup plan was for the ceremony (which was to be outside; reception was inside). I responded each and every time, "Our backup plan is to pray really hard." This answer was less than satisfactory to many people but I refused to seriously think through any serious backup plans (mostly because we had no good options).
(Giving gifts to all the people involved in the wedding at our rehearsal dinner. Yes, Coors Lite is the best kind of gift).
The morning of September 14th dawned bright and... cloudy. My girls and I met at the hair salon at 8AM and I truly enjoyed the next few hours of getting my hair did, makeup done, and sipping on Durango Joe's coffee while forcing myself to eat a breakfast burrito. Excitement for me = not hungry, so my ladies were forcing me to eat all day.
The girls and I piled in two cars for the hour drive up to Silverton just as it started raining. It rained the entire way up and continued raining as we had lunch and finished getting ready at a little house that some friends had lent us. Thankfully no one asked me what my backup plan was that morning because my answer was the same, and I was about one person away fromkilling really flipping out on the next person who asked me what my backup plan was.
The girls and I piled in two cars for the hour drive up to Silverton just as it started raining. It rained the entire way up and continued raining as we had lunch and finished getting ready at a little house that some friends had lent us. Thankfully no one asked me what my backup plan was that morning because my answer was the same, and I was about one person away from
I would be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous at all the morning of my wedding. I definitely had some wedding jitters, but I feel like they were mostly related to the fact that I was getting.married. (and could hardly believe it myself!)
At one point, however, the emotion of the day (worried about the rain, nervous and excited about getting married, nervous that there was going to be 200 people watching me) caught up to me and I went downstairs to where my aunt, cousin, and mom were finishing the flower bouquets.
I walked in the room and started crying immediately. My mom walked over, prayed over me, and fifteen minutes later I felt much better having let out some of the emotions that I was feeling in a good cry.
I slipped on my dress, had my precious Grandma fasten my pearl necklace and then went downstairs so my Dad could see.
Alex and I then met and exchanged letters and prayed together (without seeing each other!). It was 1:30 PM (wedding was set to start at 2 PM), and it was still drizzling, but seemed as though it was slowing down. I later found out that around 1:45PM the rain had mostly stopped and some family members furiously began drying the 200 plastic chairs at the ceremony site while the musicians set up.
The girls and I drove over to the venue and stepped out into the cool air. I was shielded by umbrellas as I walked to the beginning of the aisle.
The ladies and men lined up, I took both my parents' arms and at 2pm the music started right as sun started peeking through the clouds...
The ladies and men lined up, I took both my parents' arms and at 2pm the music started right as sun started peeking through the clouds...
Click here to read part 3!

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