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The Day My Dad Embarrassed Me {and had no idea why}

How many of us have been embarrassed by our parents, especially our dads? If you said never, you're either lying, or have a one-of-a-kind of parent. Growing up, I'm pretty sure my Dad took pleasure in embarrassing me in front of my friends. Sometimes it was on purpose {like loudly saying, "I've gotta go pick up those youngins"}, and sometimes it was an honest mistake. 

Such was the time that he dropped me off, and unknowingly embarrassed me to the point where I never wanted to walk in the doors of my high school again. It was a spring morning, and we were being driven to school by my Dad. We lived way out in the country and had about a 40 minute drive to school. I would often wear comfortable flip flops and change into whatever cute shoes I had brought for the day right before heading into school. 

I was a junior in high school at the time- waaayyyyy too old to be getting dropped off by my Dad at school but needed nonetheless because my parents couldn't afford the money for gas and a separate car to commute 60 miles a day when my Dad was going past the high school anyway. That morning, I had worn my flip flops and changed into my cute flats right before my Dad pulled up to the curb of my high school. 

I threw my flip flops in the back seat, and hopped out to where hundreds of my peers stood milling about before class started. I waved bye to my Dad, and no sooner had I shut the truck door than I heard the window roll down and my Dad bellow out, 

"Sarah, you forgot your thongs!!" 

I froze immediately realizing my Dad's mistake that he so naively didn't recognize. I spun around and yelled, "Dad they're called flip flops and I meant to leave them there!" My Dad drove off not knowing his mistake, and I rushed in through the doors of the high school hoping and praying that no one saw that it was me. I was mortified for the rest of the day year, and I'm sure my cool status dropped by at least ten points. 

My Dad had no idea what he'd done till I'd told him later, and then he couldn't stop laughing. Years later, I can laugh about it now, and my Dad will occasionally remind me to "bring my thongs". 

If you're of the older generation, please for the love of those around you, please call them flip flops and not thongs. If you tell us you left your thongs in the car, we will likely picture something other than sandals. 

Has your parent ever unknowingly embarrassed you? Please tell me that flip flops are called flip flops in your part of the country and this isn't just a regional thing? 

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Let's Meet for Coffee

I must say that some of my favorite blog posts are when you bloggers invite me into your space for coffee. So today, I'm going to do the same. We'll meet at the local Starbucks because, as you know, I'm not huge into coffee and I'm not up on the local coffee scene. You'll order a drink so strong that it would make me gag, and I'll order something that is more sugar than coffee. We sit down in a quiet corner, settle into our chairs, and lean into chat over Norah Jones playing in the background. 

We would start by talking about the weather. I would tell you how much I am loving the sunshine and summer. It started off really rainy, and you'll smile because you know how much I need sunshine for my soul. I'll tell you how a couple weeks ago I vowed to Alex that never ever would we move to the Pacific Northwest even if we were promised salaries of a million dollars... I just couldn't handle it. 

Speaking of Alex, we would chat about how Alex is finally out of school for the first time in 22 years, and for the first time since we've known each other we are both out of school.  I would share my joy with you, but also share with you that the transition has been difficult. For the past two years I have spent the greater part of four days by myself each week. Now, Alex is around those four days and it has been wonderful and hard at the same time. You know that I'm the type to need to be by myself in order to recharge, and I share with you that Alex and I are trying to navigate what our new normal will look like. We need to learn how to give each other space which isn't always the easiest thing when you live in 600 square feet. 

I'll ask you how things are going with your boy- have you had to adjust to a new normal too? You tell me that I'm not alone in this adjustment and that it will just take time. You share with me the latest date you two had and we'll both express our gratitude for our men and the blessing they are in our lives. 

{Or maybe you share with me how you are still single and how you're scared you're going to be an old maid. You know that I once echoed that same fear and that God answered my prayers. Once again, I won't know what to say because I know it's hard and I know that God will work things out in his time. I also know that me telling you these things is super un-helpful especially because I'm already married. I might suggest something crazy to you like online dating, or coming with Alex and I to country western dance on Saturday night. I might make you laugh and I'll promise that I'll pray for your heart, and even though you know I mean well, I know it won't ease the burden of being single}. 

I'll tell you that I'm finally comfortable at my job. After almost two years working in the hospital, I now feel as though I can handle whatever is thrown at me. I've learned to trust my gut, and I know that I will be able to handle even the hardest of patients or families. And if I can't, I know there will be someone to help me. You'll be relieved to hear that I'm no longer anxious each time I go into a shift, and work is just now work instead of my biggest worry. 

And then finally, we dig deep. We talk about our dreams, hopes, and fears. I share with you how I've applied to graduate school to become a nurse practitioner. This may be the first time that you've heard of this, but it won't surprise you as I remind you that becoming a nurse practitioner has been my dream since I was 15 years old. But what will surprise you is that I'm having second thoughts about this dream; I'm wondering if my dream is really in line with God's plans for me. I've wanted it for so long and yet I wonder if I'm doing it for the wrong reasons (better pay and better hours). I'm scared that it won't be worth the time and money and potential debt Alex and I will incur. I'm scared that it won't matter because what I really want to do is be a Mom.  I'm scared that I'll find myself with another degree in three years, still not in a house, still childless, and wishing that I had done things differently. I'll ask for you to pray for me, that the Lord gives me the wisdom to make the right decision. 

Then I'll share with you a couple more things that you may or may not already know. I'll tell you how I think about adoption and my future kids almost every day, how I sometimes wish my life wasn't so full of change, and how sometimes I wonder if Alex and I are truly following in the will of God. 

I guess you could say it's a season of settling in while simultaneously preparing for change. I feel at peace, overwhelmed, and excited- sometimes all at the same time. There are days when I handle it all really well, and other days when darkness presses in like you wouldn't believe. 

I'll apologize for talking so long, like I always do and you'll just laugh because you know that's how I am. You know that I'll spend as long as I need to listening to you, and I do. Hours later, our coffee is long gone, we look at the clock realizing that we should probably get home. We hug and promise to do it again soon. 

{Please share your coffee date thoughts with me below in the comments!}

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This Is Not the End of the Story

Just the other night, I sat on my couch with tears streaming down my face as I talked to a friend about the hard in life. Our conversation that night had taken us to all corners of our friendship- talking about the tragedy in Nepal, about personal struggles, and discussing our faith.

At this point in time, my friend believes differently than I do, and as they asked me really challenging {but good} questions about my faith, I realized how many answers I don't have.

As the friend respectfully dug deep into my belief system, I was struck with the realization that there are things about my faith that I.just.don't.get. But I still believe- I guess that's why they call it faith, right?

While I realized that there were so many things I didn't have an answer to, I also remembered why I'm okay with not knowing those answers.

I shared with my friend, that over the past several years, I have developed a passionate sense of hope. I have hope that this is not the end of the story. This world, friends, is not the whole story. This hope is how I am able to accept missing answers. This hope means more to me than a perfect theological understanding of my beliefs ever will.

Do you have this hope? Hebrews 13:5 is one of my favorite verses in the entire Bible, it says:

"For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come" (NLT)
It is so easy to let this world draw our eyes off the hope that is ours every day. If you watch the news, you know the awful stories that happen on a daily basis. But even if you're like me and choose to avoid the news (for the most part), our hearts can still be easily drug down by the weight of this world.

Tonight, my heart is heavy for friends that are going through inexplicable tragedy. My heart aches for a loved one who is struggling, yet I know I can't do anything for them. My heart is ripped out of my chest most days that I'm at work when yet another child abuse case or terminal brain tumor walks through the doors of my wing. My heart aches for Charleston, and the survivors that are simply trying to make it through tomorrow.

But amidst the heaviness of my heart, there is also a deep longing; a deep hope. 

I know that this is not the end of the story. I know that one day there will be no more sickness, tragedy, and tears. I know that there is hope in a Savior who came to redeem all parts that are broken whether it's a broken marriage, broken relationship, or broken body.

As someone who hasn't faced that much tragedy in their life, I know that it is easy for me to speak of this hope. I often wonder how quickly this sense of hope might disappear were I faced with a sudden tragedy. I'm honest with myself about it, and pray every day for my faith to be increased so that when that day does come, I will not falter.

In the meantime, I urge you friends to find your hope. Find the hope that is buried under a heavy heart. Believe in hope even if you can't feel it. Jesus isn't finished with your story or the stories of those around us. He is glorified through all things, and we can have hope that one day we will understand.

I am okay not knowing all the answers, because what I do know is what matters most to me. If you are struggling with your beliefs right now, I encourage you to question question and question some more. Search for those answers, but be aware that you may not find all of them. If you're like me, you won't need all the answers before you can have faith. You will come to deeply know and understand a quality of God or an aspect of the faith, and suddenly all the questions won't seem to matte as much anymore.

I have faith and thus I have hope. And because I have hope, I have everything.

Is there one part of your faith that you hold onto when the world is spinning out of control? Or is there a part of your faith you really struggle with? I would love to hear both. 

{Sharing this with everyone over at Tuesday Talk}

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I Just Need An Otter Pop... and other summer must-haves

It's halfway through June, and it's time to be talking about our summer must haves before we blink and realize it's September. Once again, I'm joining in with all the lovely people over at The Circle link-up to talk about what we need for summer. 

A good rain jacket. When I lived in Guatemala for a summer, I pretty much didn't take my rain coat off for two months. Colorado summers are notorious for being sunny in the morning and cloudy and rainy in the afternoon. Whether I'm hiking a 14er, headed to the water park, or just out with friends, I bring my rain coat with me everywhere. I'm like a Boy Scout- always prepared ;)  

{my handy dandy rain jacket to rescue on date night!}

A hair tie. This really is a must have all year around. I don't know about you, but even on a good hair day, my hair being down usually drives me crazy after a few hours. If I didn't care about looking pretty some of the time, I would have my hair up errday all day. Whenever I do wear my hair down, I make sure I have a hair tie just in case I need it later. If I need a hair tie and I don't have one- panic commences. #canigetanamen? 

Flip flops. I live in flip flops all summer long. Tennis shoes during the summer feels claustrophobic. I know about how lousy flip flops are for your feet, and at this point in my life, I just don't care.

{I don't always wear flip flops in the snow, but when I do it's summer in Colorado and I had no idea there'd be snow}

A good book. Whether you're by the pool lounging, or in the car on a long road trip, a good book is a must have for summer vacation. I have yet to jump into some really good fiction, so if you have any suggestions let me know! Last summer, I could not get enough of Rachel Hauck's books. If you're in need of ideas and like clean romantic fiction, I would highly recommend her books (especially one called "The Wedding Dress").

A sense of adventure. Something about summer brings out my sense of adventure. It's nice outside so all of a sudden I want to hike all of the mountains, I want to meet all the people, and I want to do all of the things. Anyone else get like this during summertime??

{I know what you're thinking... you wish you could jump that high too ;) }

But really all I need is... an otter pop. If I could choose one thing on this list that I needed, it would be otter pops. For those of you who don't know what otter pops are, I'm really sorry that your childhood was deprived and you should probably go to your nearest Wal-Mart and buy some For educational purposes, this is what an otter pop is. 

It's the most basic form of a popsicle that toddlers love. I'm 24 going on 4 so they are obviously my favorite things in the world. During the summer, otter pops are my dessert, my snack, and a part of my breakfast or lunch. 

What are some of your summer must haves?? Do we share any must haves? 

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24... because I love birthdays more than I love overtime

I mentioned a little known, but vitally important, fact in my recap of May. I absolutely LOVE LOVE overtime in sports and if a sport doesn't have a chance of overtime, then it's not really a sport worth watching. 

As much as I love overtime, I love birthdays even more. So the fact that I watched a game with double overtime and had my birthday all in the month of May basically meant that it was the best.month.ever. 

This year's birthday was bound to be awesome. You see, two years ago on my 22nd birthday, I was in an all day class helping me prepare to take my nursing licensing exam. My friends brought a cupcake and lit a candle (that almost set off the fire alarm), and I sang Taylor Swift all day but it still wasn't the ideal way to spend the day. 

Then last year, I worked the night of my birthday (from the 27th to the 28th). My best friend called me at work right at midnight and wished me happy birthday which was the highlight of the day. But I got off at 7:30 in the morning, slept four hours, woke up exhausted and grumpy and landed up pitifully weeping at the end of the day #realmature. 

With the past two years of a not-so-great birthday, this year was set up for success because I didn't have to work, didn't have to go to any sort of class, and basically got to spend the day how I wanted.

Alex had to be at the hospital by 7:30 in the morning, but that didn't stop him from doing my favorite birthday tradition ever. He woke me up with a plate of fruit with a candle in it, as he sang the traditional Hispanic birthday song, Las Mananitas. It is traditional to sing this song on one's birthday, and back in the day my parents didn't think ahead to buy a cupcake for my birthday so they stuck a candle in a banana instead. The lack of preparation has now become a tradition as we do candles in bananas accompanied by Las Mananitas for every birthday. There was nothing better than waking up to my English-speaking husband singing a song that is completely in Spanish  (the effort he puts in is the best thing ever!)

{my fruit plate that started the day}

After having a leisurely morning, I went to my hair cut appointment. I LOVE getting my hair cut, and decided that it was a perfect way to spend the morning while Alex was at the hospital.

{I NEVER take car selfies, but when I do it's after I get my hair cut... because no one 
knows if this good of hair will make it home.}

After feeling fabulous at the salon, I set up the present from my family... a new Fitbit which I had been wanting since last year. If you have a fitbit and want to be friends, let me know in the comments and we can connect! I love love love knowing my heart rate at all points of the day #nerdalert. 

Alex got off early and we went to one of my favorite places to eat for lunch- Panda Express. When I say I love Chinese food, I really mean that I just love Panda Express and orange chicken. 

{This picture makes me drool... anyone else?}

The weather was looking a little iffy at this point so we went shopping. And by shopping I mean we walked around Costco and Ikea and bought nothing. 

We got home and took a nap two naps (I had just worked three days in a row, cut me some slack!). We took a leisurely walk and finally decided to get dinner at Noodles & Company and go see the movie Aloha. Dinner was great, the movie was not. 

{Leisurely walk selfie}

It was 24 hours of feeling loved by phone calls, texts, and birthday wishes. I was slightly panicked at the thought that I am now "mid twenties" and not "early twenties", but if my birthday is reflective of the year ahead, 24 is going to be a great one! If I could have a birthday more than once a year, I would totally jump on that train. But then again, maybe I wouldn't because it wouldn't be as special when it did come around. Here's to birthdays, feeling loved, and a great year ahead! 

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Project 12: May

{I worked Memorial Day so Alex came and had lunch with me at the hospital}

Our month of May was super busy, and from the sounds of it, everyone else's was too! May is my favorite month of the year, and even though the near-daily rain was not my favorite, I must say May 2015 was still a success.


1. The Old Spaghetti Factory. This is probably one of our all time favorite restaurants and we have a hard time trying new places because this place always wins out. They have an old train caboose inside the restaurant and for the first time ever we got to sit in it! We also chose to tip our waiter more than the price of our meal as part of our goal for the year. I definitely don't say this to toot my own horn but rather to encourage you guys to do this next time you go out. It's probably one of my favorite things to do- I kind of feel like I spy when I do it, and it is so fun to secretly bless. Do it next time you go out, you'll be glad you did :)

{It was basically pouring as we took this = bad picture quality}

2. Thunder Valley National (Motocross Race). My hubby loves motocross, and since I've met him I've made an effort to get into it as well. Thunder Valley is a yearly dirtbike race that's part of a national series, and the track happens to be a half an hour away from our house. We were lucky enough to get FREE tickets this year, and I went for my first time ever (Alex had been before). It was really cool to see the races so close up and it was a lovely day to spend outside in the sunshine.

{Notice the rude dirtbiker photobombing us in the background}

3. Water World. This is our local water park and we decided it would be worth it to get season tickets this year. It's a really fun way to spend time with family, spend time in the sun, and the tickets pay themselves off after four times. Our first day this season was May 31st and, though it was a bit chilly, it was relaxing and great to officially kick off our summer! 

{If that pasty white skin doesn't indicate beginning of summer in Colorado, I don't know what does}


1. Those places where you paint and drink are super fun! A good friend from work invited me to go to a place called Canvas and Cocktails. I was intimidated by the thought of royally messing up my painting at some point throughout the night, but I'm actually impressed with how it turned out! We had a great time chatting, and I would totally recommend this for a girls night or date night if you haven't tried it already! 

{We're both named Sarah, and we're the dynamic duo at work. Along with the
 seven million other Sarahs that work on our floor.}

{The painting that we did that night. I love the brightness of it and it's perfect for summer!}

2. Shopping at Babies R Us is fun and gives me baby fever.... for about 3.7 seconds and then I panic as I realize that I don't know what half the stuff is, and then I basically can't get out of there fast enough. 


You guys, I didn't finish a single book in June. I'm slowly working my way through one that is awesome, and I'm only a chapter away from finishing it but I'll talk about it in next month's recap since this post is already long enough. 


This month, I went to more movies than I usually attend in a six month period. It's not normal and please don't judge me. 

Aloha. We watched this on my birthday. It has a lot of famous people and a story line that could have been well done... but it was a big flop. It was a super slow movie, hard to follow, and soooo not worth the money. Alex fell asleep during it. Don't waste your time. 

San Andreas. This movie shaved two years off of my life because I was so stressed for two hours, and my heart was beating a mile a minute the entire time. It was a great movie that kept me on the edge of my seat, but if you're looking for something mellow, this isn't it. 

Pitch Perfect 2. This one was super fun and Alex and I both enjoyed it. Alex liked the first one better and I thought they were about the same. I think the story line in the first movie is better but the singing in the second one definitely wins out. 


1. My youngest brother made it to the regional playoffs for college lacrosse. My parents came up for the weekend and we had an absolute blast. His team won in the first round in double overtime. I don't think I've mentioned it before on my blog, but I love overtime. If a sport doesn't have overtime, it's not a sport worth watching. I am always in the mood for overtime, and  I may or may not have lost my voice I was yelling so loud.

{I swear I told everyone to do a funny face in this picture}

2. My other brother came home after being gone for almost six months. His travels had most recently taken him to Nepal (which you can read about here), and I am so thankful to have him home. 

Three days after he got back on US soil, he graduated college and I couldn't have been prouder. 
{The fam bam}

3. I got to surprise one of my best friends at her bridal shower, and watch one of my childhood friends get married all in the same day. 

{This girl is gettin hitched soon!}

4. It was my 24th birthday and it rocked. I wrote a separate post that is coming up later this week because I love birthdays as much as I love overtime. Stay tuned. 


Miles run: 9. Basically I shouldn't keep including this statistic anymore because if I don't have a race to train for, I'm not a consistent runner. My June tally is currently 0 miles in case you're wondering. 

New recipes tried: 1. One is lame, I know, but this quinoa enchilada casserole was easy and totally delish. Try it. 

Number of proud sister moments: 1,345,765Regional playoffs as a freshman for one brother, and college graduation as a freshman (just kidding) for the other brother, I mean c'mon, how could I not be proud? 

What was your favorite part of May? Have you ever tried those painting and wine places? 

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Currently II Vol 1

Today I'm joining in with Jenna of Gold & Bloom and Anne of In Residence to talk about life lately. 

Currently playing... my Taylor Swift Pandora station over and over again. You know how after awhile of liking and disliking certain songs you create the perfect Pandora station? That is what I've done. It's Taylor Swift, Jack Johnson, The Beatles, and The Band Perry all wrapped into one station. Mmmm mmm good.

Currently going... outside as much as I can. After a month and a half of clouds and rain (which is NOT normal for Colorado), the sun has finally made its appearance again. I am trying to get out in the sunshine as much as I can. Nothing like fresh air and warm sun to rejuvenate the soul. 

(a picture from one of my runs. I can't get over the vibrant colors!)

Currently wearing... stripes! I'm not sure why, but I'm all of a sudden in a stripe phase. I've really been pinning a lot on my fashion Pinterest board trying to develop a sense of style, and I noticed that I pin a lot of striped things. I've bought a couple of striped things and really like them... the husband likes them too, so thumbs up for that! 

Currently sipping... slurpees. I'm five years old in all reality you guys. One of the gas stations here has a deal where you pay $1 for a huge slurpee (AKA water and sugar and food dye). Terrible, I know, but it is just THE BEST summer drink ever! 

Currently reading... "10 Curses That Block the Blessing" by Larry Huch. This book was recommended to me at a church service about a month ago and it's excellent. The author was an ex-addict who was born again and still found himself struggling in certain areas despite his relationship with Christ. The book talks about the impact that generational curses have on our daily life, and examines Scripture from a different perspective than I've seen before. It is a great book so far (I'm about halfway through), and I would highly recommend it to anyone who feels like they are repeatedly struggling in a certain area of their life.

What about you?? What's on your book list right now? Any favorite summer drinks?

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Using Pinterest to Make Meal Planning Easier

using pinterest to make meal planning easier

Many of you probably read my series a couple months ago talking about how I meal plan and shop a month at a time. If you missed the series or need a refresher on how to tackle such a big project, you can find all the posts here

I've been doing a monthly meal plan for about 6 months now and it's gotten quicker and easier each time. When I first started, planning my meals and writing the grocery list used to take an excruciating amount of time. Now, it's gotten way simpler and quicker thanks largely in part due to Pinterest. I thought I would share my tips in making Pinterest work for YOU, to help make your meal planning easier. 

1. ONLY pin what you might actually make. 
This is a BIG first step. It's so easy when we're scrolling through Pinterest to pin anything and everything. Like that picture of parmesan crusted salmon with roasted rutabega and leeks may look absolutely delicious but let's be real... $8 a pound for salmon is not happening on this budget, and I wouldn't know where to even find rutabega or leeks at my grocery store. Honestly, I don't even know what either are, they just sound fancy. 

Even though the picture looks great, I know I won't ever actually make it, so I don't pin it. Seems like a simple enough concept right? Well what about that rainbow colored cake with homemade cream cheese frosting that you just pinned that you will most likely never ever bake? Gotcha. 

If you have a pressing need to pin fancy recipes that you might one day get to, I would make a separate board for them and keep the boards with food you might actually make separate... which brings me to my next tip. 

2. Organize your boards by meal. 
This tip of course depends on how much Pinteresting you actually do. When I started out, I had one board called "Food" and it worked for awhile. But eventually it became a nightmare to sort through 300 pins trying to find the ONE recipe I needed. I would suggest starting off by separating your meals into boards or categories- that way you don't have to go back through and organize everything like I did. 

Delicious Dinners is by far the board that I refer to most frequently. I also have boards for:

(**Follow me and all my boards here!**)

Decide what categories work best for you and go ahead and create those boards even if there's not anything on them at the moment. You'll thank me later. 

3. Make a "Meals This Month" board. 
Making a separate board where I could pin the recipes that I was making during the month basically changed my life. 

Now when I'm meal planning, I scroll through my recipes on my boards and if I decide to make one, I go ahead and pin it to my Meals This Month board. When I'm finished choosing recipes, I'm able to go to a single board and click on each recipe and quickly write down all my ingredients. 

Later in the month, this board is a life saver because I just look at my menu, head straight to my Meals this Month board, and click right on the recipe. Before, I used to have to scroll through my dinner board and try to remember which link I had clicked on (not an easy feat if you have a lot of pins, especially pins that are different versions of the same dish). Alex knows that he can go to this board and find the recipe for almost any meal we're having that month so it makes it easier on him too. 

4. Save your favorites recipes.
There's a lot of winners out there on Pinterest. There's also a lot of failures. I've done my share of both. When I find a recipe that's a winner, I'll add it to my Food We Love board so that I can access it easily when I want a dish that I know is easy and delicious. 

 And just because I like to rationalize all the time I spend on Pinterest, I'll add the recipe to my Pinned It and Did It board. This step is totally optional and not really all that helpful in meal planning, but I thought I would mention it anyway. My Pinned It and Did It board is more general- things I've tried whether it's a recipe, DIY, exercise routine, or beauty idea. I'll put an honest blurb of what I thought of it so that I remember whether or not to try it again. I will tell you- it's pretty funny to see how much people don't read the comments. One time I pinned a recipe that was pretty lousy (and I said so in the comments). To this day, it's still one of my most popular pins- goes to show that a picture really is worth a thousand words.  

5. Get rid of recipes that were flops. 
When we try a recipe and don't really enjoy it for one reason or another (it was too hard to make, too many weird ingredients, or just didn't taste good), I'll delete it off my boards immediately. No sense in cluttering up my boards! If you don't know how to delete a pin it's really super easy, and I'll show you below. 

Click on the pin once to enlarge it. In the upper right corner you'll see a button that says "Edit". Click that and it should open a new box. In the bottom left of the new box, you'll see a button that says "Delete Pin". Click that and you're good to go! (**Note: Deleting a pin will only delete it from that particular board, so if you have it pinned in multiple places, you have to go and individually delete it from the other boards.**)


I will use a couple of recipes from cookbooks and when I do that, I will go through and put a sticky note on the recipe page so it's easier to find. I also mark on my calendar that has my menu on it whether the recipe is from pinterest or a cookbook, so I know right where to look when it's time to make it. I also keep a paper list of my favorite meals whether or not they're off Pinterest or not. 

Have you ever used Pinterest to organize yourself? What other ways do you make meal planning easier on yourself? 

{Linking up with Sweet Little Ones Blog for Tuesday Talk!}

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