One of the big fears and things I prayed about from the beginning of my journey to graduate school was for pure motives. I have wanted to become a nurse practitioner since I was 15. I wrote all my college and scholarship essays about it during my senior year of high school. During college as I interviewed for more scholarships, I remember having a hard time answering why I wanted to become a nurse because I had a much easier time articulating why I wanted to become a nurse practitioner.
When I started applying for graduate school a year ago, I began to question if I was doing it for the right motives. Part
of me has always been a little lot competitive, and I knew that I
would potentially feel inferior if Alex had a graduate degree and I didn't
(silly, I know).
I love my job working as a bedside nurse that spends 12+ hours
with the same patients... would I really like the NP role where I see patients
for a 15 minute visit and that's it?
I liked the idea of the salary that nurse practitioners make, but
I had more than one coworker look me straight in the eye and tell me that if I
was to go to NP school, don't do it for the money (several of
them have friends that are making less as a nurse practitioner than they did as
a nurse).
All this to say, I really needed to question my motives. If I was
going to spend the next three years and a nice chunk of money pursuing my
dream, I wanted to do it for more than a name and a paycheck.
From the very beginning my prayer has always been (and continues
to be):
"Grant me purity of heart [Lord], so that I may honor
You." - Psalm 86:11
One of my favorite songs ever is "Create in Me a Clean Heart" by Keith Green. I often sing this song during my prayer
time in the mornings because I long for a pure heart in everything I do,
whether it involves my marriage, my work, or my relationships.
In every big decision there are underlying motives. Whether it's a
job change, a decision to go back to school, or the decision to start a family,
there are reasons you either do or do not want to pursue a certain avenue.
I think it's important to examine ourselves in these situations
and ask why we want to do the things we want
to do.
Do we want to go back to school because we're bored with our
current situation and/or want to keep up with the Jones' (or my own husband in
my case)?
Are we looking at moving solely because of money, without
examining the toll it might take on our family?
Are we looking to start a family because everyone else is and I
want to be part of the "mom club"?
Now hear me out, none of the motives I've mentioned are inherently
wrong. But I think in any big decision, taking a closer look at our motives is
always worth it. Perhaps it's not the graduate degree or the baby you want...
perhaps you're trying to find contentment in something other than Jesus (been
there, done that friends). Maybe you're equating the idea of more money at a new job with
more happiness (we and the million studies that have been done on this know
that this isn't true).
So what can we do about it?
Well the first step is to pray
for a clean heart and pure motives. It seems like a vague concept, but just
like asking the Lord for wisdom (LINK), I truly believe that God will reveal to
us impure motives if we let him. No matter how many people I talk to, blogs I
read, or podcasts I listen to, the biggest revelations of my heart always come
through prayer. And from personal experience, those revelations are usually the
icky things that the Lord brings to mind that I try to ignore. Being receptive
to those promptings can go a long way into teaching you more about the state of
your heart.
Next, we can seek
godly counsel. As always, talking through your situation with someone who
loves you, loves Jesus, and has your best interests at heart can prove to be
invaluable. Often they can see things in us that we ourselves can't see. In a
joint decision (one between you and your spouse), I find it helpful to seek
godly counsel from someone that isn't my husband. He provides wisdom a lot of
the times, but sometimes his proximity to the situation allows him to be blind
to certain things as well.
Ultimately, give
the Lord control over your heart and your situation. This sounds trite, but
what I mean by it is be brave enough to ask the Lord to close doors that need
to be closed and open doors that need to be open. I've prayed that the Lord
would place a stumbling block in my path if I lose track of my heavenly purpose
and start focusing on earthly motives- it's a scary prayer to pray, but truly
it's what we want right? We want our motives to be pure, and if we can't
discern them then we want God to step in and nudge us to the way He has for us.
As I prayed about graduate school, the Lord revealed some pretty
ugly motives I had. I continued to pray and found the true reasons that I am
motivated to go to school. I believe the Lord gave me the dream to become an NP
when I was 15, but it was for reasons other than prestige and salary. It took a
few months for me to truly set my heart and motives in the right place, but it
was incredibly freeing when I finally got to that place.
Examining your motives is often hard and ugly. But ultimately,
it's so worth it because not only will you be
following the will of your creator, but you will be following His will with the
right heart.
What are other ways that you have found to keep your motives in
{If you missed earlier posts in this series, be sure to check out Making Big Decisions 101, 4 Practical Steps to Wisdom, 3 Questions to Ask Yourself, and Overcoming Doubt .}
{If you missed earlier posts in this series, be sure to check out Making Big Decisions 101, 4 Practical Steps to Wisdom, 3 Questions to Ask Yourself, and Overcoming Doubt .}

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