So, I didn’t exactly hang out with the cool kids in
high school. And by that mean I was pretty much cooler than they were a
loser. My big things were school, choir, and even though I
played sports, I got disqualified from the cool crowd once they found out I
didn’t drink.
Oh, and a few other distinct events definitely pushed
me more to the you’re-kind-of-not-that-cool bracket. Let me tell you the story of one of the events that destined me to the
not-so-cool realm.
In high school I lived in the boonies. And by boonies
I mean 35 miles outside of already-small-town-Colorado. Since we lived so far
out of town, I got dropped off and picked up at school every single day… from
kindergarten through my senior year of high school. Riding with my dad to school sure beat the school bus…
but when you’re a high school senior? Only losers don’t have their own cars
(that was me).
One sunny day in April (it really was a sunny day in April) I was waiting for my Dad to pick me up at
the high school. I was waiting with all the other uncool kids that still had to
wait for their rides as well. Did I mention that I was a senior and almost
everyone else I was waiting with was a freshman or sophomore? That just made
it an even more enjoyable experience. I was texting on my phone when I looked up and saw a
dump truck.
I watched as it pulled up to the curb wondering why on
earth a dump truck would be pulling into my high school. The fact that it
looked like my Dad’s dump truck made
me even more fearful as to why exactly
it was pulling in front of my school. The gigantic white and blue dump truck pulled to a
stop in front of me, the window rolled down… and my Dad pops his head out the
window and yells,
“Sarah, hop in!”
When I realized that it was indeed my Dad. In his dump
truck. Picking me up from school. As a senior—I considered running inside and pretending that
he had yelled at one of the other two million Sarahs that attended my school.
But then I realized that him sitting in the dump truck would only attract more
attention than it already had.
So, I tucked my head down, walked quickly across the
concrete, opened the door, and hoisted myself up while simultaneously ducking
my head into my lap and yelling at my dad to “Go, go go!”
My dad thought it was the funniest thing he’d seen all
day, and after we left the parking lot I started laughing too—about just how
ridiculous it all really was.
I probably gained a few loser points that day, but my friends
and family still laugh about it, and
How many people can say they’ve been picked up from school in a dump truck?! {The picture above is the actual dump truck that picked me up- my Dad still owns it}
How many people can say they’ve been picked up from school in a dump truck?! {The picture above is the actual dump truck that picked me up- my Dad still owns it}

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